The man owns the venue, claims to have experienced a number of unexplainable events – including watching one of the bathroom taps snap on its own on CCTV.”The staff have all complained of strange feelings or noises and banging.
The man owns the venue, claims to have experienced a number of unexplainable events – including watching one of the bathroom taps snap on its own on CCTV.”The staff have all complained of strange feelings or noises and banging.
MUFON — love them or hate them, you’ve gotta admit they’re the 900-lb. gorillas of the American UFO scene. And […]
The owners of the Olden Ewe in Winner Street, Paignton, called in psychic mediums instead of police when their antique […]
A Texas woman claims to have some strange neighbors. Her neighbors are a family of three #bigfoot(s). They throw rocks […]
(NEWSCHANNEL WWMT 3) – A Michigan mother believes a spirit visited her and her 1-year-old son Riley. The paranormal sighting […]